
Starting August 7, 2020, I would like to start recording some daily/important things in English.

5/18/2024 - Ready for Lithuania visa interview

Start May, we have become very busy, and I need to not only for work but also prepare for the visa.

For work, I need to do KT, Q&A and our regular work.
For visa, I need to apply Japan visa first and submit documents to Lithuania Embassy in Japan for some reason.

Hope everything goes well on Tuesday 🙏.

4/3/2024 - I accepted an offer position in Lithuania

After two months back and force, I finally get the offer in Lithuania.

It’s a big change for me and my family. I hope it’s a better choice without regrets.

1/31/2024 - Grateful your recognitions

I want to thank my boss and leader. Thank them for for their recognition and wanting me to move to the next level. ❤️

It was very nice to talk with you. I have an honor to work alongside such talented people like yourself! Your presentation was awesome! – from Pavel

2023 is the busy year. In life, I’m the “daddy”; In work, I ‘m stickler for “best practices”, and after work, I’m a fan of “open source and writing”.

Onward and Upward.

12/02/2022 - I don’t have time

I don’t have time to contribute to open source
I don’t have time to learn from Udemy or YouTuBe
I don’t have time to update my blog and WeChat Account
I don’t have time to play football after work

Most of my time is at work, taking care of children, resting or sleeping.

If I want to do some of the above part-time things, just rest and sleep less :)

06/13/2022 - Be thankful

It’s been over a month since I’ve written anything because my daughter was born and I’ve been busy all May.

First, I worked remotely in the confinement center for nearly a month.
After leaving the club, I started to take paternity leave.

The two of us are taking care of the children, which is still very busy for new parents.

Aside from being busy, thank goodness it all went smoothly.

04/20/2022 - Bless my wife and baby

It’s been a tough April, wish my wife well and my baby well. Bless us ❤️

12/25/2021 - I was surprised

Several days ago, A female financial colleague told me I did a great job sharing about CI/CD practices.
(I posted the recording to slack channel of the China lab for all the engineers who had attended the meeting.)

I was surprised that as a non-tech colleague she was also watched, and this was our first conversation. Thanks so much.

11/24/2021 - Brother Ma told me that I am very good at CI/CD

Yesterday I gave a presentation to other teams in Dalian, it’s all about my practices in the DevOps. To be honest I’m not a good speaker.

Brother Ma is a very very senior software engineer and I think he is also a full-stack engineer.
He told me I am very good at CI/CD and he wants to learn from me in the next year.

I’m very surprised that he gave me such high praise. I will keep on making more efforts in DevOps.

Thank you very much, Brother Ma.

11/10/2021 - Record every time I was praised

I would record every time I was praised, so that when I failed on something, I will look back to see these praised to gain confidence.

Today, I have a meeting with foreign colleagues, I say more fluent than ever, and my manage mentioned my English improved a lot. this is the second time he praised my English improved.

Next week, I need to prepare to share related to CI/CD/DevOps best practice I did before with other colleagues, this time just need to use Chinese :)

08/30/2021 - Bless my wife and me

Hopes our dream could come true this time. Bless us ❤️

06/26/2021 - Mentor and mentee program

Since this month(June), I begin to have a mentor :) (WIP)

05/26/2021 - Congrats to myself

This week I had two things that were worth remembering for me:

The first, when I had a meeting with our product family India team to share my CI/CD practice with Jenkins Yesterday. After the meeting, my boss told me that he was surprised with my English improvement.
It gives more motivation to learn English.

The second, this year, my Build project Quality Gate goes into the next round. The first time was in 2019 that before the pandemic, we could go to our company’s HQ to attend five days Build event in the USA.
For now, everyone can not trail overseas. I hope that the pandemic can go away ASAP, then maybe I can attend a face-to-face Build event.

04/11/2021 - Just an update

  1. I have moved to my new home for almost one month. It’s very happy to go to work only needs 15 minutes.
  2. I’m reading several very thick books, such as Code Complete and C++ Primer Plus books.
  3. Btw, I got promoted this month that I have worked here for six years.

02/18/2021 - The coach (Qiao Q) left Rocket and started his new career

I called Qiao a coach because he swims very well and tells me how to freestyle. He also does DevOps/Build-related works in Rocket, then we have a lot of things to talk about, so we have a good relationship.

I a little upset when I heard that he told me he would leave Rocket. As we talk more, I understand him and support him in this decision.

Since age and experience are no longer our advantages in Dev, the new challenges will help him get more opportunities in DevOps than he did in his job here, so he made a wise choice, and I hope he will have better development in the future.

11/1/2020 - English and Decoration

Sunday, sunny.


Today I clean English from App and have a test of the TOEIC, and the test score is 64, and my test results have never been more than 70. I hope I can keep testing every weekend so that to improve my English and hope next time the test will achieve about 70 :)

The House Decoration

From October, my house had finished ceramic tile seam beauty, suspended ceiling, the laying off part of the marble, and now is whitewashing.

Last Friday I paid the money for the custom kitchen and furniture, it’s more than 40,000 RMB, it’s over my budget in total. IKEA will ship furniture on Friday and install them next Saturday. Before that, I must prepare the kitchen appliances, so from Last Night (11.1) start to buy, the price is very well.

So in the next two weeks, the decoration’s progress very well, which was well worth the wait.


8/30/2020 - About work and life

Sunday, sunny.

I review my daily report so that I could remember what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks at work. I don’t want to talk about my regular work like build, release products, etc. I want to write down what I’ve learned in the past two weeks.

About Work

  1. Learn how to show python project doc files online. you could create a GitHub Pages that is a GitHub build-in feature. then will have a website like https://<github-username>.github.io/<repo-name>.html

  2. Live demo - our team build project which analyzes Bitbucket git history and provides below features

    • Recommend reviewer for Pull Request
    • Recommend test cases for regression testing
    • Recommend test scope for QA engineer
    • Visualization based on data
  3. Enhancement currently our Artifactory usage, like provide move artifacts from INT(integration) repo to STAGE repo when build passed the smoke test.

About Life

  1. From the last two weeks, my colleagues and I start swimming in the indoor pool every Friday night. we want to lose weight in these activities, but we always eat after swimming, this is not good for us to lose weight :(

  2. We finally decide to use IKEA to decorate our house and completed the final design last Saturday. We finally started on Saturday, and they set up a simple start ceremony for me.

The first task was to look at tiles, and after all kinds of research and comparison, we finally ordered a big brand of tiles. Although it is more expensive, it’s still worth it.

8/16/2020 - What is the core knowledge I need to learn

Sunday, cloudy. IKEA measures house then I go to the company to study.

This week I always thinking about what is my most important knowledge? Learn more about DevOps tools? or others?

Finally, I come out with the two points I need to enhance, the ability to communicate and knowledge of the primordial.

  1. especially is English communicate. I should set up some goals to archive, like the TOEIC exam.
  2. I need to use more time on reading such as Code Completed, C Primer books.

OK, Keep doing both. 💪